Natalia Kopiszka | OMNIRES SWITCH

Her aim has always been to create beautiful things. In designing jewellery and decorative interior accessories for her own KOPI brand, Natalia Kopiszka has created a recognisable style, combining extravagance with subtlety and classic design solutions. She is inspired by sculpture and Surrealist art as well as travel and nature. Natalia believes that aesthetics must go hand in hand with functionality. Her designs are defined by their streamlined shapes and calm colour choices, with her favourite rose hue with added gold making a frequent appearance. In her apartment, she attaches importance to warm light and soothing scents that encourage a positive mood.


W pudrowo różowym pomieszczeniu brunetka siedzi na kanapie i uśmiecha się do swojego, leżącego obok psa. Large image

Although my apartment is located almost in the city centre, I consider it an oasis. It is not austere and minimalist but full of pleasantly soft forms. Right from the threshold, it is easy to recognise that this is where I live.

Stół z kamiennym blacie w salonie o dominujących różowych barwach. Na złotej tacy leży różna biżuteria. Large image

Natalia’s interiors are a reflection of her personality. Her interior choices were mostly limited to objects with a soul, either second-hand or original. Here, everything comes together in perfect harmony. Objects representing seemingly different styles are combined together by Natalia according to her choice of shapes and colours. Her interior design style does not have much in common with sparseness or minimalism. Right angles are very few and far between. Instead, there are many rounded shapes and pastels. In her projects, she also explores diverse styles and designs, seeking inspiration in items such as her grandmother's heirloom jewellery.

Kobieta trzyma w dłoniach naszyjnik. Na drugim zdjęciu widać jej  ciemne włosy i jak mierzy Large image

Natalia is fond of objects she brings back from her travels and has a weakness for unobvious, original designs, which she finds, for example, embodied by a vintage lamp collection or contemporary, artistic ceramics. The soft lines, characteristic of Natalia's style, are accompanied by plush in the form of pink upholstery of a vintage-style armchair or her favourite rug. Furniture and accessories also have rounded shapes. Mirrored coasters of her own design and a marble table give the impression of works of art complementing the interior.

Pudrowe wnętrze oświetlone neonowym światłem. Wiele nowoczesnych dodatków. Na kamiennym stole świeczka i magazyn. Large image

In my case, a healthy lifestyle is down to daily habits. I try to get up early. To wake up and hydrate my body, I drink at least one glass of water. I am glad that I now have incredibly easy access to water that is healthy and very flavoursome.

Natalia emphasises the importance of functionality, which should always be accompanied by beauty. The OMNIRES SWITCH kitchen tap with a water filtration system meets these expectations. It also wonderfully complements the colour scheme of pink and gold used in Natalia's flat. The designer appreciates the benefits of the mixer’s brushed surface, which makes keeping it clean easier.

My source of comfort is silence. In a quiet space, I feel at peace, getting some rest away from all the commotion.

Kobieta o ciemnych włosach dotyka powieszonego na ścianie obrazu, na którym widoczna jest pudrowo różowa farba. Large image


Discover the unique interiors of Lara Gessler, owner of a well-known Warsaw patisserie and author of cookery books. Her home is a reflection of the life she leads, and the interior design evolves along with the life of its inhabitants.