The shower with the use of a shower head makes everyday activities take on an extraordinary dimension. However, in order for a shower head to work smoothly for many years, it is necessary to take care of both the exterior and interior surfaces.



The surface of the shower head should be cleaned regularly with a soft cloth and a mild cleaning agent. We recommend using the cleaning agents of leading manufacturers according to the use indicated on the packaging.

It is not advisable to use rough materials or abrasive or corrosive substances in order not to damage the product surface. Such care will allow us to avoid limescale deposits, which can lead to a leakage of the shower head.

If the shower head has been contaminated by limescale deposits, we recommend using a 10% citric acid solution. This solution should be applied directly to the product for 10 minutes or covered with a soaked cloth. After this time, rinse thoroughly with water and wipe dry.
If necessary, the process can be repeated.



In order to make sure that the shower head works properly, you also need to take care of its interior workings. After each use, you should position the shower head at an angle to allow any remaining water to flow out. This is the easiest yet necessary way to limit scale build-up inside the shower head. Tilting the shower head also minimizes the risk of fixture leakage. In addition, you should also wipe the outlet tips of the shower head with your hand occasionally to remove any deposits that may have formed and crush any limescale that might have accumulated.

These steps will ensure that the showerhead works efficiently
and will allow many years of user satisfaction.