Orina Krajewska | OMNIRES SWITCH

She likes to call herself a seeker. In the life of Orina Krajewska – actress, co-founder and president of the Małgosia Braunek 'Bądź' Foundation – daily rituals have a particular relevance. Orina strives for balance while being fully conscious of the significance of healthy habits. Her atmospheric loft apartment in the heart of Warsaw's Old Town exudes an atmosphere that is a perfect reflection of her lifestyle. She has created a place where she can relax, focus on her work and host her guests. The apartment is filled with symbols and keepsakes that accentuate Orina’s deep-rooted feelings and experiences.


Kobieta o długich włosach siedzi w drewnianym, klimatycznym i stylowym wnętrzu. Na drewnianym stole leży misa z owocami. Large image

I'm a long way from minimalism. I like my space to be personal, and I enjoy giving things a symbolic meaning. I have my own talismans.

Przestronne, drewniane wnętrze z widoczną drewnianą podłogą, schodami i belkami sufitowymi. Jasne ściany i duże okna dodają pomieszczeniu ciepła. Large image

Her apartment, which she calls a loft, is all about air and space. It was arranged to be both functional and beautiful. Orina  believes that our surroundings have an impact on our lives, so she designed her interiors to foster her everyday rituals and give her asense of stability and security. She attaches great significance to the symbolism of objects. Particularly important are those with a protective significance – the numerous effigies of Buddha and the distinctive angel statue she bought at a charity auction. The angel stands in a corner where she meditates and practices yoga. Orina appreciates craftsmanship, and although she sees objects made by artisans as works of art, her possessions live alongside her. They accompany Orina in her daily routines and assist her in establishing good habits. What she surrounds herself with is part of her overall approach to life.

Z drewnianych schodów schodzi wysoka kobieta, która jest w ruchu. Na drewnianym stole leżą różne elementy wnętrza. Large image

A holistic attitude to health has become Orina’s philosophy and a way of life. She believes that by investing in our self-growth and by looking after ourselves on a variety of levels, we can achieve inner harmony. As a result, Orina’s life has enough room for yoga, boxing, meditation, healthy eating and the ordinary moments of weakness. This is how she understands health, comparing it to a never-ending quest. Orina greatly values her sense of freedom, which she also finds in her unique loft apartment, home to eclecticism. Her choices are often determined by emotions, memories, and her pursuit of internal balance and health.

A year ago I stopped drinking coffee and instead began to consciously introduce my own ritual of drinking water. I feel a huge difference since I started this healthy habit.

Kobieta wącha liść z przyprawą i napełnia butelkę wodą filtrowaną z baterii SWITCH w kolorze chromu. Large image

Keeping up with your everyday rituals is a prerequisite to taking responsibility for one's own health, which Orina considers deeply meaningful and significant. In her quest to cultivate healthy habits, she is aided by OMNIRES SWITCH – a kitchen tap with a water filtration system. This functional solution has made it much easier to reduce the use of plastic, including the purchase of bottled water.

Kobieta wygląda przez okno w drewnianym wnętrzu i w dłoniach trzyma czarną butelkę napełnioną filtrowaną wodą. Large image

My objective is to live my best life. I want to live a happy, healthy and balanced life, become increasingly aware and retain the best possible contact with other people and everything around me, including nature.  And in doing so, provide the world with support.

Przytulny pokój jadalny z dużym drewnianym stołem i krzesłami. Na parapecie okna leży koc, na którym śpi kot. Przez okno widać mglisty widok na miasto. Large image


Discover the unique interiors of Lara Gessler, owner of a well-known Warsaw patisserie and author of cookery books.